Winter Sun

‘Heathman's Diary Ham & High Express & News, August 13, 1970:

Artist KEN LAW got up one morning, looked at the heavy red sun in a winter sky and decided to paint it. But not the way any other artist would.

He is probably the first to put oils directly on to gesso, which he etches deeply with the outlines of his subject. This gives the picture a three - dimensional effect Now the work, which took three days, has been reproduced by Prints for Pleasure, which issues prints of artists' work.

“This was one of my pictures that turned out well right from the start. I'm very pleased with the reproduction--the textures have come out very well,” Mr. Law told me at his home in Pilgrims Lane, Hampstead. The picture, called Winter Sun, also shows the backs of Hampstead houses and gardens. The reproduction, measuring 24 by 18 inches, can be brought for 30s., or framed, for 75s.

Mr. Law, who has been a cellist with the London Symphony Orchestra for 25 years, started sketching during world tours. Winter Sun is the first of his pictures the firm has reproduced. Another one is now under discussion.’
